

On the left is my trusty Moolon P-Classic, the right is my go-to 1969 Fender Precision with Dimarzio hi-gain Pick Ups!

On the left is my trusty Moolon P-Classic, the right is my go-to 1969 Fender Precision with Dimarzio hi-gain Pick Ups!



Here's the RIG OF LIFE!  '69 Pbass with an old Acoustic Control Corp. 370 head/408 cab.  This thing has got 4-15s!!!

My Volkar Nahrmann upright, B-15, and various cool mics in one of my favorite recording rooms on family's boat shop on the coast of Maine.

My Volkar Nahrmann upright, B-15, and various cool mics in one of my favorite recording rooms on family's boat shop on the coast of Maine.