May May Maaaaaaay

I am so damn glad its warm out again.  I've been walking around in shorts and flip-flops, turning heads towards these bleach white legs of mine.  TMI?  :)

The last few months have brought an encouraging amount of clarity and focus in my life.  I've been practicing and creating nearly everyday and have some great things on the horizon.  Kenya Hall asked me to play guitar in her band, which I enthusiastically accepted.  Additionally, my friends Jaw Gems asked me to go on tour with them this summer for a week...playing keys!  I have been shedding piano/keys for quite some time now and I am tickled to death that these fellas think I'm good enough to keep up with them.  I am so humbled that my friends asked me to play in their bands on instruments other than bass.  

I have been listening through the material Zach, Henry, and I recorded over the last few months and I can safely say its dooooooope!  I am rolling around the idea of releasing a 'clips' album, where we take the best improvisations and let them loose into the world (with minor mixing due to the nature of recording all three of us with one microphone).  One of the jams is really vibey and we're talking about releasing that one as a completed idea.  Lots to consider!

This reggae track I've been working on found its way into a final mix, which I'm stoked about.  I sent it over to the talented Dave Gagne, who sang on the track, and he requested to do the vocals again.  While it's taken quite awhile for me to get this thing out, I allowed him to recut.  While the original take is stellar, I want him to feel good about his performance.  I am eager to hear what he changes/how he improves it!

Young Joon and Andi over at Moollon have generously sent me their new '56 Tele bass, which I have found nothing short of stunning.  I am absolutely thrilled with this new instrument and you'll be hearing me play it wherever I am in the future.  I'm not retiring my old p, but this thing is bonkers and makes me approach things differently.  

Keep an ear and eye peeled for my goings-on.  Thanks so much for the support!